This has been in the works for a little while now, so I couldn’t be more pleased to finally be able to tell you about it. The SuperFogeys is now on the iPhone/iPod Touch!
If you head on over to this link you’ll be able to download Chapter 1 of SF for FREE. Comics on the iPhone are kind of a new thing, but it’s a presentation I happen to really like. The pacing changes completely because you have to cut the comic up into pieces that can fit on the small screen. What I’ve found in doing that for SuperFogeys is that the iPhone screen is pretty much ideal for the strip format. Of course, you don’t have to trust to me on this–just check out the sample screens at the link and see for yourself.
More chapters are coming, each one for just 99 cents a piece. For those of you that have missed out, you’ll be happy to know that, starting with Chapter 2, the bonus stories will finally be available in a digital format. Previously, those stories have only been available in the print versions of SF. More on that with the release of Chapter 2.
In the meantime, please head on over and download your free SF Chapter 1! (If you don’t have an iPhone or iPod Touch, but you do have iTunes, I’d still very much appreciate it if you’d consider leaving a review of Chapter 1.)
First of all, a big thanks to everyone who pre-ordered Book 4. Your support means a lot to me. Double thanks for your patience as the release date came and went. I’m not gonna bore you with the details, but suffice it say that there were a number of factors beyond my control that led to the delay.
The good news is that we finally have a ship date for Book 4: June 18th. I know that’s a lot longer than any of us want, so as a way of saying thank you to those that pre-ordered, each one of you will be receiving a free copy of Omega Chase #1 and a free Th3rd World bookmark. I know that doesn’t completely make up for it, but hopefully that helps a little.
As for those of that didn’t pre-order…what were you waiting for!? Pre-orders have now concluded, but we do have a limited stock of books coming. If you want your copy, now is most certainly the time to order as I’m not sure how long they’re going to last.
Order Book 4, Artist Edition here, and the Regular Edition here!
Don’t forget that both editions have the bonus story “The Audition” with art by Lucas Turnbloom! What happens when Jerry goes away to college and Captain Spectacular holds open air auditions for a new partner? (You won’t believe who shows up!)
See you this Thursday with the conclusion to SuperFogeys Chapter 6, “Funeral for a Frenemy!”
Download SF Ch. 1, “Insane Romance From Hell” on Your iPhone/iTouch Here for FREE (AVAILABLE NOW)