UPDATE on 11/2/12

Welcome to SuperFogeys Origins, the rerun edition. Take a little break from new updates for (hopefully) just a bit, and I thought it might be fun to revisit some of my favorite SF: Origins. The Money Man origin is really the one that started it all. Before this, his only appearance was in a group photo of the Society of Heroes, leaving many early readers to ask… who the heck is that guy? Turns out, he was a pretty important piece of the SuperFogeys puzzle. Without him, there would be no Society of Heroes and Soviet Sam might never have turned away from villainy.

Enjoy! And don’t forget to check out the SuperFogeys Kickstarter. Back the project and get your own SuperFogeys Sourcebook & Adventure Game!


Ladies and gents, the day has arrived.  Today is the first day of a brand new webcomic, “SuperFogeys Origins,” written and lettered by yours truly, with FANTASTIC art by the imcomparable T.L. Collins.

For those of you that missed my previous announcement, my circumstances have changed a bit and its become necessary for me to cut my art production in half and only do one SuperFogeys strip a week.  That’ll be on Thursdays.

“SuperFogeys Origins” is what you’ll be getting from now on on Tuesdays.  In “SFO” I’ll be diving into the history of the SuperFogeys universe and showing you the stories and events that shaped the characters into what they are today, as you’ve known them for the past two years.

Expect some surprises and some interesting linkups to the current SF continuity.  It’s going to be an exciting ride and, I hope, will enrich your experience reading the SF strip proper.

Joining me for this much-more-than-a-spinoff-strip is T.L. Collins.  T.L. is an amazing artist with one of the most incredible work ethics I’ve ever seen who has his own, three-times-a-week webcomic, Bullfinch. Do yourself and your funny bone a favor and check it out immediately.


So, today’s page is part one of two of the origin of the Money Man.  I know, I know what you’re sayin’ - Who the crud is the Money Man!?

For the short answer, go here. For an even shorter answer, I will say only this: he’s a very important part of SuperFogeys history. I think you’ll dig ‘im. Plus, his origin story leads directly into the next SuperFogeys Origin…The Society of Heroes.  Can’t wait for you all to read that one.  Consider the Money Man origin a mere primer.


Well hey, lookee there!  The site just got a little overhaul, as you can see.  Its’ mostly cosmetic, but I think things feel a little more “SuperFogeys” and a little less “Th3rd World” around here–which is no bad thing.  This is our corner of the Th3rd World universe and it’s sweet to have it feel a little more like home.

Besides the new Space Pig graphic in the upper left (soon to be joined by some friends), the biggest change is to how I display the strips.  The downright decent folk at Th3rd World found a way to add 50 pixels to the display area, so the strips will appear a bit larger on your screen from now on.  Not a huge difference, but enough that I think it will be easier to read now.  Which is quite cool.


For those of you that follow SF on the RSS feed, you need to know that that’s another change that we’ve made.  SF is now on Google’s feed burner (because Google is taking over the universe and who are we to argue?).  Here’s the link:

