Believe it or not, we’ve seen the Azulare Commander before. 10 points to whoever can correctly identify where.

Big thanks to Michael Odom and Will Terrell for the truly great art on this page. Nice work, guys! Really love how the last two panels are handled in particular.

But what I wanna know is…who the heck is Rhonda?


You guys seen this? Turntable is an online DJ system that puts you and me in control. It’s a great tool for discovering new music and checking out the musical taste of your friends. 5 can DJ in one room and others can always sit in and listen. You get a little avatar and points each time someone likes a song you play. It’s fun and addicting. I’m finally starting to figure out how to use it and still be a productive human being. Would love to see more of you over there. All you need is a Facebook acct. to sign up. No idea why. It’s not a Facebook app.


MONDAY – 338 – “The Flying Dragon” -  Soviet Sam and Space Pig have a little fun together. Finally.

WEDNESDAY – 339 – “What To Do” Jerry and Spy Gal try to find something to do in Vegas. Cuz. Y’know, that’s hard.

FRIDAY – The Ballad of Rhonda and Gordon, pg. 3 – The Azulare Invasion has a lot to answer for–how could they MISS Swifty?