Sorry about that, everybody! Yes, the site was down for several days, but it’s back now! And just in time. You wouldn’t want to miss Swifty’s origin, would you? I’m so excited for you all to read this one and see what we’ve cooked up. There are some BIG surprises ahead!
Hey, there’s a great new comics podcast that just threw SO MUCH LOVE towards us. Like, INSANE amounts of love. Both for my writing and for Marc’s art. An Alan Moore comparison was dropped, I kid you not. While we’re in no way worthy of such lofty company, it still means a lot. To everyone over at the Comics For All podcast, you guys are the best! I hope you love SF even more as you continue reading.
You can check out the podcast here. SuperFogeys is talked about in Episode 3, at about the 1:28 mark. See if you agree with their take!
See you next Monday with Pg. 2 – “62nd Generation Mercurius!”
You forgot the “please”.
Holaved/Igor/Pete/guy who confuses his co-hosts with too many screen names here! Everyone was so stoked to see this. Marlybaa and I have been reading since around when you posted “Techno Shuffle”, and her reply was to turn all sorts of interesting colors, Max was humbled, Aly “felt fancy” from such feedback, and BigPapaMatt may have exploded. We’re currently trying to resuscitate his toes.
Oh, it was you! I was wondering when our chief champion on the podcast identified himself as a longtime fan who you could possibly, or if you were just someone who had been lurking for years and never poked your head above ground, but nope–you’ve been a faithful commenter for years! Thanks for turning your co-hosts and others onto the strip, man.
Really nice of you to promote us like that. Techno Shuffle was a long, long time ago and thanks to hiatuses and, I’m sure, other reasons, a lot of readers from those days have fallen out, but not you! You’re awesome.
Shoot, I was there for “the rise of webcomic culture”. I know it’s a pretty unique challenge, and that not everyone who has a difficult time with making ‘em necessarily stops. We’re glad you guys didn’t (yes, including our lovely guest artists!). To be fair, she’s a little quiet *until* she gets wound up (Doctor Doom…
) but marlybaa’s been reading SF for four years or so now too! And to quote Tom Petty in the movie The Postman, “Naw man, YOU’RE famous.”
So I’m assuming the big stone-guy is “Sun Demon”? I love the design of that thing