Oh, I’m not touching this one. Love to hear what you guys have to say about the conversation in today’s strip.
I think last week just about broke me. It was a week in which there was so much going on that I pretty much just hopped from one thing to the next without stopping, getting very little sleep in between. From the Hollywood Premiere of The Gallows, to my wedding anniversary (15 years!), to the opening of The Gallows on Friday, to the church activity I organized and ran on Saturday, I just couldn’t keep up. That you all still got to see your SuperFogeys strips on time is a minor miracle.
My life is weird right now.
I don’t normally do this sort of thing, but this Wednesday is a very important day for my family. Even though I’m with Tremendum Pictures, we’re not out of the woods yet, financially, since losing our jobs last year. Not even close. I’m doing something on Wednesday that could potentially help us out in a big way. I’m not prepared to share details at this time, but if you’ve got any thoughts or prayers you can throw our way, I’d sure appreciate it.
Thank you.
See you on Wednesday with 656 – “Justifiably Murdered!”
Should we be scared with how easily Jerry agree into helping out ?
Jerry rule of thumb: Always be scared.
I have a feeling it won’t be so easy to redeem jerry
I tend to believe that just about anyone can be redeemed. The question is: does Jerry WANT to be redeemed?
Jerry’s facial expressions in these past two strips are just a whole conversation in themselves. I don’t really think he agreed with Cap’s assessment in the previous strip and it would be hard to take Cap’s apology seriously when it’s followed with “By the way, I need a favor.”
I know Jerry wants Spy Gal’s love but he’s also motivated by an unhealthy need to *prove* himself to the League. Or show them how wrong they were to underestimate him. I can’t imagine this turns out well if Jerry’s given more power.
On the subject of Cap, I think when you’ve always been on the side of ‘good’ it’s probably pretty difficult to understand the motivations of others who don’t subscribe to your version of ‘good’. Looking at Cap’s description of Jerry in the last strip as ‘always falling’, Cap just sees Jerry as another victim to be saved. Sorry to say it’s not that easy old boy.
You make some great points. There’s a bit of self-interest in Cap’s approach here. Does that mean he’s being less than truthful?
Brock, yes, sending you and your family well wishes and positive thoughts.
Thank you!
Y’know? I agree with the general consensus here on Jerry not buying into it or being swayed. Yeah, Cap just fed him a sugar coated apology that was sprinkled with extra ‘I was wrong’. But he did just follow that up with a big fat ‘I need you’ on top.
At the same time though? I think Jerry is on the level and I think he’ll come through for them.
You’ll find out in this chapter. In fact, my favorite thing about this chapter is how this specific thing with Jerry plays out.
I think Jerry genuinely does buy the apology, but he’s so twisted by the idea of proving himself a hero that the promise of more power is like a drug. He NEEDS to be able to prove that he’s as good as… no, BETTER than Cap. Spectacular. Jerry is someone who desperately wants to be good and to be a hero, he wants Spy Gal’s love, he wants Cap’s respect…
Man, you guys really GET Jerry.
I know the feeling. Hope it goes well tomorrow.
Thank you! Meeting was actually moved up to 2 hours from the time I’m writing this. Yikes!