Greetings, Fellow Fogey Fans! Marc here posting while Brock is out of town for the rest of the week on business. While he’s away, we’ll be taking next week off. Regular strips will return on Monday April 21, 2014 when we check in with a Fogey who was greatly affected by the events of the last chapter.
Oh how sweet!
I love where this story is going! Also, great job Marc! It looks wonderful!
Hey Lana…
I feel bad for Ms. Missile who has lost her husband Tom twice. Though it is probably more common than you would think.
She could make a support group for Spouses of repeatedly deceased people, with Cyclops as the group leader.
Oh! Now this one I did not see coming! I can only assume that Ms Missile fell for Percy while going through orphan cold turkey.
More seriously though, I never actually figured out whether or not the whole orphan-eating thing was meant to be taken literally or was just some ridiculously convoluted in-joke. While Dr Rocket has been consistently portrayed as an unrepentant villain, I’ve always felt him to be a very grounded one – all of his villainous acts have (or seem to have) a rational motive behind them – profit, revenge, jealousy, rebellion, whatever. They may have been horrible, but they basically made sense. The orphan-eating? Not so much. It seems cartoonishly over-the-top when compared to everything else we’ve seen of the character, since it seems to serve no purpose beyond establishing him as being heinously evil.
It’s always bothered me, because I’ve felt that Dr Rocket has otherwise been a very consistent and engagingly-written character.
Remember that for at least half the strip, who we thought was Dr. Rocket was actually Herman.
THE ORPHANS HAD IT COMING TO THEM! Someone had to eat them!
I could be that this whole time orphan has been an alternate name for an addictive drug/exotic food which is favored by villains, and they just call it orphan because they misdirection and being perceived as being maximumly evil.
*they love misdirection and being perceived as being maximumly evil.
Keep in mind, he once fired a missile full of rabbits on New Vork and “they are still picking furr out of the drains.”
He is brilliant, but apparently he had this … phase …
What Cyrian said–Bunny missiles.
Also, Jimmy Go Dead. I can maybe get it from the idea of “He wanted companionship other than a rabbit”(though he doesn’t really treat that companionship well)….But other than that, no sense at all, beyond the very generic concept “It’s always good to have a zombie; you never know who you’ll need to resurrect at a later point in time”
To respond to John’s original post about the orphan-eating thing… we’ve never actually seen him eat orphan, have we?
No! Though we have seen Fidel with a pretty suspicious-looking barbecue fired up.
Hah! I called it! Well ok, not all of it 66%… We see Miss Missile, and on side of Superfogies.. but… being wiht percy threw me for a loop
She fell for one brother and landed again with the other.
I figure they bonded over mutual loss. Though I guess they’re actually similar in many ways, what with not quite being human and so not really fitting in with everyone else.
Well… I didn’t see this coming, but I guess it was unavoidable. Now the question is how will their fathers take the news ?
Oof ?
That’s not one of those sounds chemists usually make.
Do chemists usually have three eyes??
It was only logical that this would happen.
Tom’s legacy.
I miss Tom.
But Percy is making the loss more bearable for me as well.
I like this. I’ve heard of it happening in real life, where shared grief tends to bring people together. After all, Percy was overjoyed to have a brother, only to lose him moments later. I’m guessing one of the things that happened during the cut was that Jerry revealed that the Doc wanted him to kill Tom — that was probably the finisher that drove Ms. Missile to the other side.
Great scene, but I am personally skeptical about the new relationship- especially since it skirts the boundary of incest, what with Percy’s mother and Miss Missile’s adopted father being together at the same time.
Also, since this is my first comment after regularly following the site for 1 to 3 years (forgot how long), let me just say that Brock ought to have Super-Fogeys adapted into a cartoon show one of these days. I would love to hear a voice actor’s take on Swifty!
They have no genes in common, their parents only found each other way after both Ms. Missile and Percy were fully grown adults and also, can you honestly call what the five of them have a family? Saying it skirts the boundary of incest, I think is a little too harsh
Not to mention that Miss Missile was adopted by the Doc and therefore has no genes in common with him.
And I would hate to be the geneaologist who has to make sense of this family tree.
You got that right.