Many of you were a little grossed out by last week’s strip. I don’t think a little is enough, hence today’s strip. I want you to experience the full spectrum of grossed-outness.
Anyone notice Zurida’s new outfit? Marc thought she was due for something more regal. The changes can be subtle if your’e not looking for them, but they’re there. What do you think?
By the way: Those of you trying to figure out Gorgeous Guy’s identity were no doubt confused by my failure to tag Suckface in last week’s strip. Please see my responses in the comments that clears up the confusion. Gorgeous Guy is in fact a new identity for someone we’ve seen before. You get a better look at him today, but Wednesday will solve the quasi-mystery definitively.
Get a room you 2!! Geesh!
Admit it. You want panel 4 to be taller.
Okay…there are somethings that even I can’t stand and the last panel is one of them as it just gross me out.
Same to you. (See above.)
Sorry if I offended you in such a way.
Oh no, that’s not what I meant at all! I just meant that my response to Dierna was pretty much the same as my response to you. Sorry about that.
Okay I understand. I can be a bit confused at times.
SO Doctor Rockt is turned on by talk of mind control.
I think the list of things that turn Dr. Rocket off would be shorter than the list of things that turn him on.
My guess says Gorgeous Guy is someone’s clone.
Have we ever seen clones in SF? Not yet, I don’t think.
Herman was sort of a clone. Closest to the cliche you’ve come that I can remember at least.
I must have a wicked streak in me to find so much amusement at how the fans are grossed out because an elderly couple are that passionate. Zurida’s new outfit is awesome, and I love her philosophy on mind control. I totally get it.
Is Zurida that elderly? I mean, she must be because she’s been around for a while, but she doesn’t seem to have aged as much as the others. But yes, what is it that’s gross about this? It’s a good question.
I think it’s partly ew old people, but the talk of being excited by torture chambers… that was pretty creepy.
I’ll give you that. They’re pretty awful.
This three second video adequately sums up my reaction
I love Parks!
Andy is my favorite that that is a great clip.
Andy is my spirit animal!
i’m thinking it’s Cap 2…who we thought got dusted a LONG time ago…either that or……..NAH couldn’t be……
Or? Or… what? C’mon…
While Gorgeous Guy Does have a resemblance to a certain “floppy-haired Cretin” seeing him up close it’s the chin that makes me wonder. Marc always drew him with a prominent but more curved chin. Could be a re-design, but the way his chin is drawn looks more like the way he draws Percy’s to me. Percy also spent a lot of time sitting at her feet because apparently Zurida still thinks it’s cute or Percy’s secret weakness is a deathly allergy to chairs. Getting a closer look at him I think he may be a de-greened Percy. Since Zurida is trying to “win the hearts and minds” of the people of Earth now, repackaging Percy to appear more human and marketing him as a the new hero of her regime “Gorgeous Guy” makes sense.
The first panel is actually a strikingly beautiful picture of Zurida! I think I’d like that framed, or maybe as a wallpaper on the pc
And I love the wicked smile in panel three, Marc is really doing outstanding work on Zurida in these strips! Also, I on closer inspection I’ll second Andrews opinion that Gorgeus Guy is a “reskinned” Percy, although how and why eludes me :-/