This is it! The end of our little Q&A side trip. I had a lot of fun making these, though, to be honest, they came about at a really crummy time in my schedule. I got pretty close to turning in this one a day late. This one is probably the meatiest of the four, so I’m glad it’s the last. What did you guys think of this little experiment in character examination?
Marc is back at the art desk and we resume our regularly scheduled story on Monday. See you then!
FOUR fingers…!
So THAT’S how it is that it happens he lives.
More on this later.
So they really DID have only four digits on each hand! This is quite the spoiler!
I only started telling the difference between these strips and Marc’s when I read the author commentaries below! They have a liiitle less detail, but are otherwise incredibly similar! And you said we would be reading a doodle strip if you were in charge of drawing, ha!
I do admit Percy looks like his left half got fused with Captain Spectacular, though. That kind of thing tends to happen in superhero comics!
I just have to say: with the past few strips, Atomic Fly has officially become one of my favorite characters on this strip.
Agreed. Im totally loving Atomic Fly!! *lol*
I approve these comments.
Who could Money Man tried to help and have failed? Today’s crazy speculation: Evil Alternate Universe Soviet Sam!
Wouldn’t that be awesome?
I am in pursuit of the four-fingered man…
OK, fine, whacko idea time. MM was referring to someone called “The…,” that is, someone with the definite article in his/her super-moniker. Candidates include The Third Man (nah), The Thrice Evil (maybe) or … The Space Pig! Yes! The Space Pig is the real mastermind behind everything that has been happening.
Great point about the article. And, yes, it is The Space Pig! Because of course, right?