We’re in the home stretch! The Kickstarter has just one week left to go. Can we hit the $4500 goal? Can we go higher? It’s up to you guys, but I just wanna say already how grateful I am for how you’ve come out and shown your support for this project and for The SuperFogeys. I know a lot of your put up some hard earned cash simply because I asked you to and you love the characters and the story. Thank you. Sincerely.
Still trying to decide if you want to back the project? Check out the latest updates right here and check out all the cool stuff you can get!
It’s not “Nip, nip.” it’s “Nip! Nip!” Makes me want to learn rabbit that much more.
Hey, Brock and Marc! Know how I said that I went around trying to raise support for the SF game? I also notified several professionals and one of them contacted me back. He didn’t say much, but thought that you’d appreciate that the word is getting out and more people know about SuperFogeys and the game project.
The professional that contacted me back is Stan Sakai, who has been doing the comic Usagi Yojimbo since the early 80′s, which has cross overed with the Ninja Turtles in both the comics and first two cartoon series, and has recently started illustrating a new series titled, “47 Ronin.” Both of these comics are published through Dark Horse comics. He has also illustrated comics for Star Wars and Marvel’s Incredible Hulk for a Strange Tales issue and has been the letterer for the newspaper Spider-man comic strip. He said “good luck” to you, Brock, and to be careful about contracts in general, but I’m sure you guys and the guys at Th3rd World looked it over good. Anyway, I was hoping if any professionals were interested, they might spread the word and SF would gain a lot more attention.
Oh, just to say, I don’t know Stan or any professionals personally. Behold the wonders of FaceBook.
Must…not…lose…mind…waiting…to see…what…Jerry…does…next…