Aak! What is going on?? Two late strips in one week? I can count on one hand the number of times that’s happened in the past six years. So, twice in one week? Unprecedented. My apologies. Marc is awesome, don’t blame him. I am lame, blame me. Hopefully we’ll get all these issues ironed out.
Thanks for your patience!
What’d I say. One of the guys who knows where Dr. Rocket is doesn’t want anyone else to know.
Space aliens threatening with a knife. Nice to see that all that technology hasn’t replaced the classics.
I don’t really think there’s anything scarier than a knife.
A Justin Bieber Super Bowl half-time show.
You know what’s sad about that? That. Will. Happen. Someday.
Love It! It’s amazing how threats will suddenly show the need for more ideas.
Any guesses what it is?
I just really like Dark Maiden.
I LOVE hearing that.
What is there to really like? Seriously? Give me reasons, I will listen.
I think there is an art error in the last strip with President and Alien, he has two antennas in that one and now only one and a half.
You are correct! Thanks for calling that out. It is now fixed.
Please please PLEASE don’t stick that knife up his nose.
Oh, it’s going alllll the way up.
A la Chinatown?