Points for you if you get the meta joke that is Spy Gal wondering if Dr. Rocket is a robot now.
I’ll admit I had some trepidation about going down this path with Dr. Rocket. Him dying is something we’ve sort ofalready seen. This strip seemed like a good chance to acknowledge the repetition of story going on here. As a reader, I’d be a little worried that the writer was out of tricks. As the writer himself, I’m not.
Trust me or don’t!
I’m currently in the midst of uploading the entire archive to the new SF site (debuting…shortly?). In doing that, I was reminded that back in 2009 I redrew the very first SF strip in my then current style. Those of you who own SuperFogeys Vol. 1 know what I’m talking about. I included it in that book as a way to say to readers, “Look, I know the art looks bad. Look at how much better it gets!”
Just for kicks, I’ve now replaced the old first strip with the new one on this site. (But don’t worry, the old one is now right below it for comparison’s sake.) You can check it out right here! What a difference a few years makes.
You’re going to start seeing changes around here in the way we utilize ads (changes that will be reflected in the new site) and the the biggest one is that I’m now using Amazon to provide the SF site ads. You can even see a couple of those ads already.
The thing that excites me is that with the sidebar ad I can directly recommend stuff that I know is cool. If you hover over the descriptions with your mouse, those are my comments you’re reading. I plan on adding new stuff over time and every time you reload the page you’ll see a different set of items. Pretty cool.
Why do this? Can’t you just read SF without all the ads? Well, no. Believe it or not, I’m actually trying to make money doing this. I’d like pay Marc, for example. If you click on any of the products advertised here and make a purchase, a percentage of that gets kicked back to me. It’s that simple.
Hopefully you won’t find the ads too intrusive. I’m not trying to make a living off of this, but I would like to continue bringing SF to you. Nothing bad about that, right?
See you on Wednesday with SuperFogeys 307!