This is it! Your first official look at Marc Lapierre on SF art duties. This is Marc penciling, inking and coloring. Now, part of the challenge of these first strips is that Marc is having to wrap up a chapter. Which means drawing a lot of things that I’ve already drawn. I think Marc really comes into his own with the next chapter when he gets to break away from that, but I can safely tell you that even over the course of the next 9 strips that make up the end of this current chapter you’re gonna see some amazing things.
Don’t know what this new artist stuff is all about? Then check out the announcement from last week!
A couple of things I don’t want anyone forgetting about:
1. I’m running a contest. You could win one of two signed copies of SuperFogeys Vol. 1! How? It’s easy. I just need your help spreading around the SuperFogeys 2011 teaser. Full details here!
2. Marc and I did a terrific interview with Tom Racine over at Tall Tale Radio where we got a chance to explain this transition from both perspectives and talk about our method or working together. It’s your first chance to hear from Marc on the subject, so it really is a must listen.
Do you know how much Jerry Fan art I get? I’ll tell you: none. This is the first. This comes to us from SuperFan Gwen Patton who was inspired by this very, very funny guest strip from earlier this year. Thanks, Gwen!
See you on Friday with Spy Gal & Friends vs. C.O.W. page 8!
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