In a lot of ways, Wes Molebash is the man who got me into webcomics. Now, I don’t know if that’s something he wants to take credit for. It’s certainly not something he did consciously! It was his now finished comic, You’ll Have That, that first showed me that webcomics could be wonderful and wonderfully addictive. Since concluding YHT a year or so ago, Wes has kept busy crafting a very cute submission to Zuda, The Litterbox Chronicles (shoulda’ won!), the imaginary-friend-comes-alive comic Myron and Charlie. And then of course there’s his newest and potentially greatest creation, Max vs. Max, the story of a young Christian who has recently divorced and doing his best to navigate his new life.  It’s great, great stuff and not a story I’m aware of being told anywhere else.

Needless to say, it’s a great honor for me to have Wes drawing the SuperFogeys. The gift Wes has in his amazing ability to convey emotion with a few simple lines and his solid storytelling skills–some of the best in the webcomic world. The script I wrote for Star Maiden was crafted specifically with Wes in mind and having seen the first three pages as of this writing, I can tell you right now that he does not disappoint.

Hope you guys dig it and be sure and let Wes know what you think!


Have I got some coolness to drop on you. I’ve been in deep talks with the Legend of Bill’s David Reddick for the past couple weeks about working together on a SuperFogeys Origin story. David is monster talent with a large following and, of course, one of my Tall Tale Features brothers. He is the man.

You’ll recall that last year David and I tried to do a story together –the one that Krishna Sadasivam eventually ended up drawing called “Spy Gal vs. Star Maiden”.  Love that story. Anyway, ever since then David and I have been trying to figure out another way that we can collaborate without putting too much of a time pressure on him and we think we’ve got a great idea.

And it involves you. Maybe. Potentially. Let me explain.


I have an outline for one of the most highly anticipated Origin stories ready to go. David is so excited by it that he’s dying to do to the chracter designs. So, he will. But, we need an artist.

We need you!

David and I are looking for someone to work closely with us on a 5-6 page origin story that will rock. David will be acting as an “art director” and “casting agent” of sorts, hand-picking the artist for the story, handing over the character designs he creates and giving some general, basic art direction. Nothing that would hamper anyone creatively, but if you’re familiar with David’s work then you know how valuable any input from him would be!

Sadly, you will also have to work with me and one of my scripts. But you can put up with that, right?

Oh, wait, what’s the Origin, you ask?


(Young Spy Gal by David Reddick [not visible in IE])


Here’s the details of how you can throw your hat into the ring:

1. Draw a pinup of young Spy Gal–we wanna see your take!

2. Send it and a link to your comic to me at bwhheasley (at) gmail (dot) com. (This is so David can see what your storytelling abilities are like–it’s not enough to draw pretty pictures, you gotta make them “move”!)

3. Be willing to complete pencils, inks and colors on the 5-6 pages by August of this year.

I’ll be passing along the entries to David and he will carefully consider each entry and choose the best by the deadline.

Says David: “Brock and I have been itching to work together on some Superfogey’s goodness, and this will be a fun and unique way of doing just that. I can’t wait to look at some of the pin-ups and pick the artist for the next Superfogey’s Origin… Let’s have some fun with this, And FUN is SuperFUNFogeys middle name!”


A lot of great artists have drawn and are drawing some great SuperFogeys Origins stories. Artists like T.L. CollinsEldon CowgurKrishna SadasivamMarc LapierreRossana BuginiJason Sigler, and Wes Molebash. We’re looking for someone with the chops to join their ranks. Think you got ‘em?

(Middle-aged Spy Gal with Short Hair by David Reddick [not visible in IE])


If you are chosen as the artist of the Spy Gal origin…

1. You will get to work closely with both David and I.

2. You’ll also receive a free copy of the whichever printed volume of SuperFogeys Origins your art appears in.

3. You will get copious amounts of plugging and linkage back to your site or comic from both the SuperFogeys and Legend of Bill sites.

4. An original sketch by both David Reddick and Brock Heasley–a jam piece featuring two SuperFogeys of your choice! (However, please be advised that David will only agree to this so long as he gets to draw Spy Gal. Just FYI.)

So, what do you say? Do you want in on the SuperFogeys action? Do you wanna work with David Freakin’ Reddick (his actual middle name–truth!)!?

Get those entries in now! Remember, deadline is May 4th! Spy Gal awaits…

See you on Thursday with SuperFogeys 252!