Today’s origin has been a long, long time in coming. I first wrote the script back in June of 2009. Rossana had the art done on the 9-page story a short two months later. Since then, the posting of the story has been delayed for various reasons, not the least of which was that I wanted to make sure I could schedule it properly and not break it up over a holiday.

Rossana is an artist based out of Italy who is new to the webcomics scene. Her background is mostly in the traditional comics format (which makes her a great pick for SFO, as you can see) and I think what you’ll see over the course of this story is her severe attention to detail. The script for Six Wives was probably my most ambitious yet, spanning across 7 decades and requiring quite a bit of period detail. Rossana delivered in spades, as you’ll soon see.

You can check out Rossana’s other work over at her Deviant Art page!


El Santo is one of the truly great webcomic reviewers. His review are always concise, insightful and informative. He’s one of the few reviewers out there that I’ll read even if I know know nothing about the comic in question, or even if I’ve decided that comic isn’t for me. I just enjoy his writing that much.

And right now you can check out his review of the SuperFogeys.  I encourage you all to go check it out and offer up your comments if you have them. I’d love to know what you think about some of the points he raises.

It’s a well-considered and well-written review. This is the good kind of criticism where the critic isn’t taking potshots–he’s just giving his honest opinion.Thanks again, El Santo!


I’m back! It’s been a really nice break and I thank all of you for your understanding while I’ve taken some much needed time for myself and some other projects. Special, special thanks to the fantastic guest artists who lent their time and talents these past two weeks to ensure the great SuperFogeys content kept on coming. I was humbled by the variety, depth and quality of the submissions.


Those of you who have been paying attention on Twitter know that Jason Sigler, aka The Midnight Cartooner, co-host of great webcomics podcast Digital Strips and artist on Digital Strips Adventures and The Amazing Superzeroes, will be drawing the upcoming Origins story “Swifty and the Prophecy.” This story will be set in the late 70′s and I asked Jason to redesign Swifty’s costume a little because of that. To reflect the times.  This is just the preliminary work, but I thought you guys would dig checking it out:

See you on Thursday for the first regular SuperFogeys strip of 2010–double-sized! Also: all the details on how things are changing around here.