I’m kind of freaking out right now. You all know about Free Comic Book Day, right? Go to a comic book shop on May 2nd, get some free comics, etc. Pretty sweet. Well, if you live in the Fresno, CA area I hope you’ll join me over at Heroes Comics at Shaw and Blackstone for my first ever in-store appearance. I’ll be there signing books, doing sketches, talking about my plan for greater national unity through cheeses, etc. Should be good times.
Of course this is all in honor of Th3rd World’s very first Free Comic Book Day offering–in which you will find an exclusive SuperFogeys comic I wrote and drew especially for the FCBD.
See you then!
Recorded another interview with Tom Racine (he of the godlike voice) on Tuesday night. Once again, Tom pulled stuff out of me I wasn’t quite expecting. We talked extensively about the entire Dr. Rocket storyline. I even revealed to Tom the original, since abandoned explanation for Dr. Rocket’s stuttering, his “death,” and everything else that goes with it. Suffice it to say, if I had gone through with my original plan, I’d have made a lot of people angry. Well, angrier anyway.
Tom also grilled me a bit on the memoir about my father I’m working on. I even read a passage. Yes, you can actually hear me get my audiobook on.
Should be up over at Tall Tale Radio either Monday or Tuesday of next week.
Next Week:
Dr. Rocket returns to SuperFogeys Origins on Tuesday…and he’s brought company! Then, on Thursday, come back to find out just what the crud the Third Man wants with Dr. Rocket anyway. You will find out. Get ready for some answers…and a couple big new questions.