Here’s another idea that’s too big for the strip format. I’m just really pushing the boundaries of what a strip can do. Thankfully, I don’t have anything like a syndicate to answer to, so I can do this, get this idea out of the way, and regret not expanding it two strips later. Still, it works alright. The pacing leading into the two word last panel is nice. It hits.
Entries after 11:59pm Thursday night will not be accepted. Answer the questions, get the most correct, and you could win a free SF t-shirt.
Get the questions and all the details here!
Question: Music
I’ve gotten a lot of new music lately. I’m a new music fiend. Most people my age (I’m 31) have pretty much tapped out their desire for new music. Instead, they prefer the hits of their youth, or their college years. At some point, new music just lost them and it wasn’t worth the effort to find new bands worth listening to. Maybe they’re too busy now or they only listen to the radio (which has been playing the same 12 songs for, oh, about 10 years now). I dunno. I just know that my peers still listen to hair rock and think “pissing the night away” is a great bridge to “get(ting) knocked down.”
That’s just not me. I like new music. I devour new music. Here’s a short rundown of what I’ve been into lately:
The Airborne Toxic Event - A recent discovery. They do a great kind of noisy indie rock that I like a lot. Very catchy and not a bad song on their debut album. Choice cuts: Gasoline and Sometime Around Midnight.
James - Remember Laid? I’d never heard anything from these guys since then but their latest album, Hey Ma, is one of the best I’ve heard this year. Choice cuts: title track, Of Monsters and Heroes and Men, and Waterfalls.
The National -Their album, The Boxer, showed up on a lot of lists last year as the best of the year. I finally got around to purchasing it a couple months ago and I haven’t stopped listening to it since. Choice cuts: Fake Empire and Slow Show.
Devotchka – One of my most favorite bands. I recently picked up both How It Ends and Una Volta. Amazing, amazing albums. They do this gypsy/mexicali/rock sound that is unlike anything anyone else is doing. Choice cuts: How It Ends and Queen of the Surface Streets.
Kings of Leon - Heard them for the first time on Saturday Night Live the other night. Wow. I need to get some more stuff by them. Right now, I just have Only the Night, but I love it all. They do this kind of fuzz rock. Choice cuts: Use Somebody and Revelry.
Keane - Perfect Symmetry is fantastic. Classic Keane with a bit of electronica thrown in. Almost relentless in its pace. And–for the first time–guitars! Choice cuts: title track and Better Than This.
So my question is this: What do readers of the SuperFogeys listen to? Everybody has their own taste, and I love finding out what people listen to. And hey, if you’re not into new music, that’s cool. I shared with you, share with me?
Next Week:
Chapter 5, “The Redemption of Dr. Rocket” comes to a close and you get a peek at the cover to Collection #4.