Production is wrapping up on the SF trade and I wanted to give you guys a peek at what the inside of the book will look like.  Here’s a couple spreads that show you the beginning and ending of Chapter 1:


Obviously, the real book will be much bigger at 8 1/2″ x 11″. I think you can see the real care and attention that Th3rd World is putting into the book.  The design work is fantastic and I love the little touches like the call-outs in the commentaries and that SF blue that’s behind everything.  Very nice.

There’s a ton of stuff packed into this thing, including the revised Chapters 1-5, Five Untold Tales of the SuperFogeys, Sketches, surprises, an much more.  The books start shipping out in early October, but you can order your copy now.  Limited print run, so if you know you want one, now is the time!

Available in two editions: Artist (with an original sketch card of one of the SF characters) and Regular.


Today marks Cami’s return to the SuperFogeys (in a strip that I reeeeeally wish looked better than it does–ignore me, I’m just having a bad art day) and if you missed her the first time around, just click here to catch up!

In other Cami news…those of you that read this little personal essay I wrote know that Cami in SF is based on my real-life daughter Campbell (we call her Cami for short).  This past weekend, Cami and her mother got a chance to go to Disneyland while Dictator Tot and I hung out back at home (translation: we ate all our meals in front of the computer while we watched X-Men: Evolution).  This mini-vacation capped off what’s been a real period of growth for Cami.  She’s stronger, faster and more vocal than ever before.  We’ve seen her go through phases in a matter of weeks and days instead of the months and years it usually takes.

In fact, this week, she’s learned her second word.  For two years now she’s been able to say “Hi” pretty well (except for about a 10 month period within those 2 years when she refused), but now she’s decided to expand her vocabulary to “Dada.”  It’s still early stages, so it mostly sounds like “Ba,” with only the occasional repetition of the sound to make “Baba,” but there’s no mistaking what she means and, most importantly, she’ll do it on command.

It’s a tiny, tiny victory compared to what most kids her age have mastered years earlier, but for Cami this is HUGE.  I could not be more proud of her.  I can’t tell you how many prayers I’ve said just pleading that she’ll say something (ANYTHING) besides “Hi.” Hopefully, this is a sign of great things to come soon.

Then again, I’m a special needs parent.  I know better than that. It’s best to enjoy the victories of the moment instead of losing sight of them by focusing on what may or may not come later.


Once again, Jackson Ferrell is asking the readers to determine what he will be reviewing next.  Last time, you took SuperFogeys Chapter 3 all the way into the winner’s circle.  I’m hoping we can see a repeat performance as Jackson is set to review Chapters 4-6 if SF wins! Yep, all at once.

UPDATE! The race is neck and neck right now with the espionage comic Eben07, so your vote can make all the difference!  Vote Here Now!


The full story of Herman’s impersonation of Captain Spectacular in the 1970′s will be revealed on Tuesday.  On Thursday, be back here for the race of the Century!