And now it can be known… the identity of “Dastard Number Two.” Raise your hand if you guessed “Jerry.” All hands go up? Good. Thought so. And check out his new duds! Courtesy one Marc Lapierre. The dude deserves all the awards.
Since the “One Year Later” jump Jerry has been floating in and out of the narrative without driving it too much–not like in the early days of the strip! This chapter I see as a good opportunity to get back in touch with Jerry’s psyche. See the world a little bit through his eyes. Because… whatever else The SuperFogeys is about… it’s always gonna come back to Jerry, somehow. Right?
See you on Monday with 738 – Old Lady McGoth!
No more open chest shirt for Jerry? I always thought it was a creative costume to wear for a man (we get more female costumes with “boob windows”)
Still I don’t get either Jerry or Spy Gal. We know that Spy Gal has been acting to get Jerry do as he likes, but all their interactions have been totally no seductive spy stuff. Does her disdain for Jerry is that much that she can’t hide it? Is she losing her edge? Does the implied feelings she has for Sam have made her drop her act? Because all we have seen of the couple is spy gal giving him the cold shoulder. And I really thought that the peep talk with Captain and the Money Man changed things for Jerry in a greater way. Being jealous just destroyed all this heroic redemption and quest for new powers that he clearly wanted and deserved?
Jerry’s costume has always been a bold choice for sure. Just changing things up for a bit… but rest assured… the chest window will be back.
Spy Gal’s act was more of a function of getting him to do her bidding–which was to go out into the world and collect the ingredients necessary to destroy the power crystal (a thread we’ll be getting back to in this very chapter). Now that that task is completed, their relationship is in a more nebulous place. The act continues, but Spy Gal is clearly a person torn in many different directions and is maybe not as careful as she should be with Jerry. Now that he’s largely served his purpose, it’s easy to, once again, overlook him. This is Jerry’s perpetual problem. People never see him quite accurately, he’s always taken for granted.
As I said above, this chapter focuses a lot on Jerry and we’ll get some good insight into him. You will see him interact with Spy Gal as well. Is he headed for redemption? We’ll see…
Man aw man, geez I’m looking forward to that
Jerry remains one of my favourite characters (even though I’m no longer a staunch supporter of his actions and motivations as in “the olden days”)! Just wanted to let you know that my CC issue has been solved and I’ll still be throwing money your way
The B***ards only managed to knick, like 5 bucks, so it wasn’t the end of the world
That’s great to hear! We sure appreciate your support.
Yeah, Jerry is also a fave of mine. Not only did I have the single greatest comicking experience of my life when he finally unmasked and the comments went CRAZY, but he’s a lot of fun to write.
Sisters battling it out for glory and superiority.