Hey there! It’s been…a minute. Couple years? It’s been awhile.
Bet you thought we forgot all about you, but we didn’t. Let’s get the main questions out of the way first:
Q: Is The SuperFogeys dead?
A: No.
Q: Is it currently being produced?
A: Yes. See the sample art from SF 933 that leads this post.
Q: When will it return?
I know that is a bummer. I wish I had a better answer for you. But, as ever, SuperFogeys is largely a labor of love that we work on when we can. As time moves forward, it gets harder and harder to do so. Instead of quitting, Marc and I give ourselves grace–we won’t let it interfere with our families and other responsibilities. Priorities, y’know? But we don’t give up. And we haven’t given up.
There are two chapters to go and both Marc and myself are committed to finishing the story and releasing a second volume into print. Th3rd World Studios is committed to that as well.
In the meantime, as a lead up to the next chapter, Chapter 25 – Return to Valhalla, being published, I’ve begun posting the entire SuperFogeys archive from scratch on the SuperFogeys Instagram and Facebook. With updates twice daily and specially formatted for Instagram, this is a fun way to enjoy the story all over again.
It’s not the same as a new chapter, but still fun. We’re in the middle of Chapter 10, currently. Hope you’ll join us over there! It’s wild to look back like this!
Back to the Q&A:
Q: Is Instagram and Facebook the only places where I connect with SF?
A: No! Our Patreon is still active and if you’re ever wondering what’s going on or the site is down, that’s the place to go. I hope you’ll consider becoming a patron. It’s a low investment that helps us offset the costs a little of doing the comic. SF is not a moneymaking venture (we would need a lot more patrons for that–or sales of the comic!), but that little bit of money we do get from Patreon at least helps offset some of our costs. And not to worry–new strips are the only things our patrons are ever charged for. It’s all on a new-strip-by-new-strip basis.
Q: Sales? What do you mean?
A: The SuperFogeys Vol. 1 is available in paperback on Amazon, covering the first half of the total story. You can also get SF digitally as individual issues, again on Amazon.
Q: Why is the SuperFogeys site down sometimes? Sometimes for a really long time?
A: I don’t know. The SuperFogeys website was always unique and organized in a way unlike any other webcomic site, and eventually it just kind of…gave out. And then it came back. And then it gave out again. And now it’s back again. But we’re trying to make it more stable. Barring that, we’re also looking at transferring the archive of material over to the Th3rd World website in some fashion. I’ll let you know as soon as/if it happens.
Q: How much of Chapter 25 is done?
A: It’s fully written and about 1/3 to 1/2 is drawn. And it looks sooooo good!
Q: If you haven’t been working on SuperFogeys all this time, what have you been doing?
A: Well, the answer to that question is insane. I wrote and directed a sci-fi movie that was released in theaters around the world in Dec. 2023, wrote a novel of that movie, released both a standard and Special Edition Blu-ray of that movie, and launched a successful line of jewelry based on the movie. The movie is called The Shift. It stars Kristoffer Polaha, Neal McDonough, Sean Astin, John Billingsley, Elizabeth Tabish, Paras Patel, Nolan North, Emily Rose, Rose Reid, and a bunch of other cool actors and I’m really proud of it. If you’d like to see it, it’s on Amazon, YouTube, Apple, etc. And you can check out its trailer and links to watch at The Shift website. Needless to say, I’m trying to make this movie thing a career now and it’s got to take precedence over other passion projects. Plus, there’s also my family and stuff like that. Normal stuff.
Q: Okay, what about Marc? What’s he up to?
A: Marc has been making quite a career for himself being a colorist for Lucas Turnbloom’s graphic novel series, Steve L. McEvil. It’s beautiful work! And, of course, Marc is also posting amazing artwork on Instagram and busy being an excellent husband and father.
Q: Whew. That’s a lot.
A: I know.
Q: How about this year? Do you think there’s a chance SF could return this year?
A: There’s a chance! It wouldn’t surprise me. Both Marc and I have rededicated ourselves, and posting twice a day on socials has certainly got me thinking about SF again, constantly. I think we both would like to return this year.
Okay, that’s all for now. Hope to see you over on the socials!
I’ll try to send some more regular updates. For now, feel free to hit me up with any questions!
Okay, so the excellent news is, you’re both all right! And your families too, or I guess you’d have mentioned something about that.
The good news is, you’re both eager to start this great story again! I’m totally with you on this.
I’m afraid you won’t see me on social networks because I shy away from them a lot (even my account on LinkedIn hasn’t seen me in months), but thoughts and prayers (which you can’t see either, I’m aware) are going your way!
Last, to comment on the art: it’s beautifully done, as is Marc’s custom. Zurida looks forlorn again, not unlike on the last pages of the previous chapter. We’ll see what this means about her some time soon, I hope.
Be well, be safe!
Hey jd! Yeah, families are doing well, too. Glad you’re still hanging with us and looking forward to bringing you the next part soon. Soooooo many great moments and surprises in the next chapter.