Interesting that alt-Tangerine, for all his evil, ponders peace (however unattainable).
Also, I’ve been wondering which book they were reading, and a little zooming on the picture along with a wiki search yielded Green Eggs and Ham, who features a character named Sam-I-Am.
Of course, one may assume that Starbrighter’s comment lumps Sam-I-Am with President Reed in the name “Sam”.
Interesting that alt-Tangerine, for all his evil, ponders peace (however unattainable).
Also, I’ve been wondering which book they were reading, and a little zooming on the picture along with a wiki search yielded Green Eggs and Ham, who features a character named Sam-I-Am.
Of course, one may assume that Starbrighter’s comment lumps Sam-I-Am with President Reed in the name “Sam”.
Fair point on the “Sam” reference, but yes, any reference is President Reed is unintentional!