I know it’s been awhile, but Tuesday, August 11, 2020 sees the print release of SuperFogeys Vol. 1 into comics shops, Amazon, Target, Barnes & Noble, and more, and we couldn’t let this week pass by without a celebration. So, you can look forward to not only an update today, but also on Wednesday and Friday. Three new episodes in one week!
But after that? We’re going back into hiding. The hiatus, sadly, is not quite over yet.
On Tuesday, October 6, 2020, we’ll make a true return from our hiatus and continue onward with Chapter 24: The Guthrie! Yes, you read that right: Tuesday. We’re switching back to a Tuesday/Thursday schedule. Fun to change things up, right?
If you’re wondering why so much time away, the answer is simple: Marc got a MASSIVE freelance job and it’s been taking all of his time. He kindly worked double time to get these three episodes done this week, and very soon now he’ll back on SuperFogeys fully. We’re gonna build up a nice buffer going into October.
We’ve got some cool stuff hitting this week or in the near future, including what is probably the best podcast interview Brock has ever done for SuperFogeys, with the kind people (and BIG SF fans) over at Comics For All!, a review of the Vol. 1: Inaction Heroes over at Major Spoilers, and THREE big articles on SuperFogeys over at I Heart Webcomics. We’ll be sharing the links with you as these things drop, and be sure and follow us on Twitter and Facebook at @superfogeys for all the updates.
As many of you have noticed, our website is super broken. We can’t keep it up for more than a few days at a time. For the past several weeks we have been moving everything over to a new site, with all new functionality. Expect the change to happen soon–you might even be there right now. If you are, you’ll notice the new site looks kind of terrible. This is a temporary situation as we pretty much work on it in real time. Can’t be helped, unfortunately! So, please forgive our mess while we work through it, but the good news is, functionally, the new site works!
See you on Wednesday with 844 – You Got This, Percy!
Holy Shit! You guys sure have taken A LOT of hiatuses. Makes me glad I’m just playing catch up!