Shamelessly ripped off from Raiders of the Lost Ark? Of course! This is SuperFogeys. We steal and remix. It’s just what we do.
See you on Monday with 825 – Yummy Yummy in His Tummy!
She brought a gun to a knife fight. Jerk.
Fairness is not one of Spy Gal’s priorities, clearly.
You know what they say about bringing a knife to a gun fight…
That you better bring a fork and a pot roast too if you wanna get out of there alive?
I suspect this is not the last we see about those dropped knives
You never quite know…
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She brought a gun to a knife fight. Jerk.
Fairness is not one of Spy Gal’s priorities, clearly.
You know what they say about bringing a knife to a gun fight…
That you better bring a fork and a pot roast too if you wanna get out of there alive?
I suspect this is not the last we see about those dropped knives
You never quite know…