Thrice Evil might be a little behind the curve on this one. Just sayin’.
See you all on Wednesday with what I think is one of the coolest strips Marc has illustrated yet!
I’m looking forward to seeing how Dr. Rocket deals with T Magus.
Definitely something coming on that front. Don’t be surprised if Doc gets an assist…
Besides mind wiping powers and capturing fleeing Ginas, what else does TMagnus does? What powers does he have?
He’s magical on the order of a Dr. Strange type. So, there’s a lot of leeway there.
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I’m looking forward to seeing how Dr. Rocket deals with T Magus.
Definitely something coming on that front. Don’t be surprised if Doc gets an assist…
Besides mind wiping powers and capturing fleeing Ginas, what else does TMagnus does? What powers does he have?
He’s magical on the order of a Dr. Strange type. So, there’s a lot of leeway there.