So sorry I couldn’t make you laugh today.
Well… that was an election. I’ll just say it: I was not in favor of a Trump presidency. I’ll spare you all my thoughts and feelings about what’s happened and just say this: I think what saddens me most is how this election is ripping people apart. If you stop speaking to/divorce/shun/unfriend someone because they hold different political views from you (as abhorrent as they may be), you are part of the problem. Let’s try to come together, huh? Nothing is served by creating a bubble around yourself and getting rid of diversity in your life. That’s partly how we got here in the first place.
So, that’s my soapbox. Not what you came for, but this is an odd day and I can’t help but try and process.
See you on Monday with 713 – “No More Killin’”
Tangerine did what I expected him to do…
AS opposed to the american voters, but I dont hve a say in that anyway.
I’m still wondering if Rocket is up to something with more layers. Before Zuridas inasion he kinda was oin the heroes side and given how Z is daydreaming about Thrice Avalon, I wont be surprised if Rocket just backstaps pre-emptive
So coming from two different angels, I suspect him to… something.
Hesitation, is your problem Tangerine. If you’re going to kill don’t be mopey about it. It’s taken you two strips and four panels to get close squishing Thrice Evil’s head. Thrice even had time to pontificate in one panel. It might to behoove you to take a lesson from your evil counterpart, Money Man only got a gasp out before death. Probably didn’t even feel a thing.
And on another note, I really appreciate Marc’s artwork. Dr Rocket’s ear in particular in the last panel just really made me appreciate his thoughtfulness and attention to detail. Keep up the great work boys.
Holy crap, I apologize for that poorly written comment. Sorry.
Thanks, Rumi! No apologies necessary (also, I read your comment just fine).
That doctor has 4 fingers, instead of 3.
Yikes! Unintentional error. Fixed! (Refresh if you don’t see it.) Thanks, John!
Thrice: monstrous in his world, too topical in ours. “You take it so personally. This is weakness.” I have a suspicion, Mr. Brock, that not all of we Fogeyans agree on U.S. election matters, but remain *together* on those, as well as on this wonderful place you and Marc continue to create for us, and we join you on exploring. Just look at CS the first and Dr. Rocket. You KNOW that if either one asked the other to come have a drink with him so they could talk, either would accept. We in the states just need to remember the Superfogeys example, and do our damndest to spread it. Hopefully with less burning buildings and zombies, mind you.