Even down and broken Money Man kicks butt! Rendered in indomitable fashion, as always, by one Mr. Marc Lapierre. Marc shines at action, as we all know, but wait until you see what he has cooked up for…
SF 700!
It took him over a week to complete, but Marc just turned in the final art for SF 700 and it’s a true beauty. It’s so good, I’m not putting a single word balloon on it. Can’t wait for you all to see it.
By sheer coincidence, SF 700 will run the same week as the 10th Anniversary of the creation and first posting of SuperFogeys #1. Pretty cool. I’m thinking seriously about drawing a strip again, just for the occasion, but I’d also love to feature other drawings/strips/essays from anyone else who would like to contribute to the celebration! Is that you? Let me know in the comments below or submit your piece to bwhheasley (at) gmail (dot) com.
See you on Wednesday with 697 – “No Fun Being Ignored!”
He knocked him out with only 1 arm.
Now that’s interesting.
To be fair, it’s a METAL arm. So… that’s gotta hurt. Like, a lot.
So much greatness!
That was SO COOL! Gotta hand it to Marc those poses are to drool over
Also, has it really been ten years? Makes me feel old…
So… the other version of Money Man really is Batman?