Hey, welcome back to another week of Chapter 20. What’s everybody think of Chapter 20 so far? One of my goals for this chapter was to get the Fogeys back into each other’s orbits so they could talk to each other and interact. The gap year really sent everyone to the four winds and that’s just not as fun as when these characters get to be together. So, there’s a bit of moving people around going on and that’s primarily for that purpose–to bring people closer together.
Jerry and Cap? Absolutely a conversation I, personally wanted to see. It was time and we got there and it happened. Jerry and Money Man? Think of it as a sequel to the Jerry and Cap conversation. There are other conversations coming up that I see as really vital and pointing the way towards the next several chapters. See if you can spot ‘em as they come.
We’ll be rolling out the rewards for the Milestone Goals that have already been achieved on the SuperFogeys Patreon soon–the Marc Lapierre Live Draw, the Google Hangout–but there’s still time for you to get on in them if you haven’t yet pledged your support.
These Milestone Goals will accessible to EVERY one of our patrons, no matter how small their pledge. All Marc and I are asking here is, if you enjoy SF even just a little bit, to throw as little as 50 cents our way a month to help us offset costs.
We sure do appreciate all of you who have pledged so far. We’ve both been doing this for such a long time that your continued support is, in a very real way, making it possible for us to finish this story. I honestly don’t know if we’d be able to without you because, believe me, both Marc and I have much more profitable things we could be working on! So, you’re awesome. You just are.
See you on Wednesday with 662 – “Lazy Villainy”
Money Man knows what to say!
He is a man of great wisdom… and wealth. But, mostly wisdom.
He looks so ridiculously happy.
Not a state he’s exactly used to, right?
Powerful or not someone needs to tell Jerry to be quiet.
Besides, I forget who Spy Gal marries in Earth Avolon anyway.
It has not been revealed who Spy Gal married on Earth-Avalon (actually, I don’t think it’s even be revealed that she IS married–she could be single).
No we see why the death of moneyman was such an important event in this world.
Also have you considered yo join hive work? This comics is great and i’m sure that way it can be know to a much broader audience.
I’m not familiar with Hive Work, but I guess now I have something to Google!
(And I agree–I wish we did have a broader audience. However, at this point, I’ve come to accept that our audience is small but loyal. Which is no bad thing.)
Here is where I can see the worth of the Money Man, he has just said everything Jerry’s wanted to hear his whole life: that he matters. Which is such a simple thing really, everyone wants to feel like they matter, but all those superheroes focusing on the “bigger” problems didn’t stop to think about the just as important little ones.
This exchange here also really makes me want to meet Avalon Jerry’s partner, if he stayed with Gina’s mom, what is/was she like?
You all are spot on about Money Man. He really is an important figure in the SF Universe simply because he was SUPPOSED to be the mentor figure. The Professor X, if you will. Imagine the X-Men without Professor X to guide them. That’s basically Earth-Abaddon.
As for Portalmaker’s wife… yeah, we know squat about her. I imagine we’ll find out more someday.
I think it’s really touching that Jerry doesn’t look smug. He just look happy to finally be the hero. It shows that, despite everything, he’s still a good person.