Portalmaker, for those of you who have forgotten, is Alternate Jerry’s alias on Earth-Avalon. He was killed by the Alternate Thrice Evil, our current Big Bad.
The last panel of this strip was a bit tricky and I was worried about how it might work on the page. It’s something that I could see in live action quite well, but I really put a lot on Marc to make it work as a drawing. I was more than impressed with the results. Really nice work he did there for an odd moment.
See you on Wednesday with 659 – “Wasting Time!”
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Feral Lemmings Proof?? Im not sure I even WANT to know…..
Beware the feral lemmings: when they attack, they attack en masse.
I feel bad for Earth Avalon Swifty to suffer regular Swifty’s mannerisms.
This really highlights how different the lives of these two Swifty’s must have been to be so different. It’ll be ineteresting to see Avalon Swifty’s reaction to Earth Jerry since Earth Jerry couldn’t be more different from Portalmaker, a man Avalon Swifty seems to admire.