Day 2 of Marc’s break means more extra stuff from just me! Believe it or not, this is the first time I’ve drawn Zurida (and Raptor X, but he’s newer). I’ve inked her, but I’ve never pencilled her until now. It helped me to really appreciate the amazing design artist Rossana Bugini came up with. It’s filled with all sorts of little touches that you might not notice unless you really dig in there. She’s basically a blast to draw.
Anybody else watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.? How are you liking it? I dig seeing the Marvel Universe on my TV screen, but the show feels a bit inert to me right now… and it looks so, so cheap. I know there’s a lot of money going into it, but compare the cinematography of S.H.I.E.L.D. with something like the new The Tomorrow People and you can’t help but wonder how the heck a CW show is outclassing an ABC show so badly. I trust in Whedon’s team and I gotta think they’ll work out the characters and the by-the-numbers storytelling soon, but right now it’s a bit–dare I say it?–boring.
SPOILERS: Atomic Fly to appear in next week’s updates.
You might be right.
Would that be such a bad thing?
I watched most of the pilot and maybe a total of fifteen minutes of the second episode and I’ve been bored too. I love Coulson, I can’t bring myself to not like him because he’s just fabulous and the two British techies aren’t too bad but the main guy and girl (the rookie agents) are maddening. I just want to punch them both in the face so bad and I don’t know why. I keep thinking “Joss! You can write so much better than this!” …but I guess I shouldn’t wish for good characters from Joss Whedon. He’ll just kill them
Haha. Too true. Whedon loves to kill.
I will say that this week’s episode was a marked improvement. The lighting was even better. Didn’t look nearly as cheap.
And the Atomic Fly is my new favorite hero X)
Atomic Fly says: Yay!
Well, to be fair, Joss was, I believe, only involved with the pilot. His brother is in charge of the season. I think the show’s getting better overall. The flow’s kicking in, and minus the “main” pair, the rest of the cast is meshing well together. I’m just going to ignore Skye and Wade some more until they grow up. Or get laid. Either one will help.
I kind of like Skye. Wade I can see developing into a much more rounded character with time. Whedon’s best show (in my opinion) is Angel, which did a better job than any of his other shows in changing the characters gradually over time into their opposites, so gradually that you hardly even noticed it was happening until you looked back. I’m hoping for something similar here.
Really enjoying the extra’s. As for S.H.I.E.L.D., so far it’s mediocre. I’m a fan of Ming-Na Wen otherwise I’d have likely passed on it. I agree with Kayjay that the techies aren’t bad and that you can’t dislike Clark Gregg. Chloe Bennett as Skye comes off too much like the generic” sassy wild girl” from a sitcom. Brett Dalton comes off dull as Ward, but I don’t think the writers have really given him much to work with. He seems to just fill the “muscle” roll on the team and that not a lot of effort was put into developing the character. Ward and Skye come off to as the least fleshed out characters to me. It’s like the network said “We can’t possibly have show without young attractive people!” and so they tossed those two in to satisfy them. Complete with the obligatory and tedious romantic tension that only serves as a cliched plot device. Honestly, I figured it would be awful so it’s exceeded my expectations thus far.
Oddly, I’m not a fan of the techies. So far, all they are is techies. I get no sense of an inner life from either of them. This could be rectified with just a little bit of back story and talk of something other than tech stuff. I have to assume that’s coming.
Again, I like Skye.
It’s actually Coulson that’s disappointing me so far, and the show pointed it out in this week’s episode–he’s different. He seems boring now and devoid of a lot of that wit we got in the movies. I hope they change him back.