I don’t know when we’ve ever fit so many characters into a panel so small. I’m not even sure who all of those guys are! That’s exciting.
Cami Fans: The real life Cami had her eighth birthday on Monday. On Saturday, we held our 4th Annual Birthday Ball Party in her honor–a half hour party dedicated to one thing and one thing only: bouncing balls. Cami LOVES it. For the curious, here’s a link to a short video I put together after the event.
Okay, even I’m curious of how Sam figured it out ?
It was a few strips back. Maybe a little more. I’m not on a device I can easily check, but it was in the current chapter.
Here’s Dr. Klein’s office and it’s empty, so he must be The Third Man!
Finding it out and proving it are not the same thing.
Too true. I don’t think it’s telling too much to say that’s Spy Gal’s first order of business on Monday.
Now the taunting of the death count begins. Star maiden has not died or what ever bad thing happens to her yet. Speedy has yet to speed jump into the past to save himself. Now the moments of the Third Man’s idenity revealed keeps being stalled. In a funny way its because we know that makes it even more suspenseful
I don’t believe anything has been. Said to indicate Star Maiden is heading for death, but I’m glad you’re enjoying the process of the pieces falling into place. This chapter has been a long time coming.
Why is it the only possibility that Dr klein is the third man I know spygal for one could have done the same thing? or maybe he used the trapped door?
He deserves a new hat for this.