I was just looking back at Marc’s first work on SuperFogeys yesterday and it really stuck me not only how far along his line work has come, but also how much his method for coloring has changed. There’s just far more shades and details in his coloring now–things that aren’t even in the drawings themselves. That, of course, is very much in the spirit of the art of SF in general. Looking back at my first strips to my last ones will give you a similar experience. Hopefully you’re like me and consider that all part of the fun!
There’s just 15 strips left until SF 500…
Uh-oh, looks like Star’s isn’t a happy girl right now.
This leaves so many unanswered questions.
Yes, Jerry was the last one we saw with the crystal, but the bit about him going off world is a lie (the baddies have seen him on-world since Doc Roc last saw him).
So, is Doc just trying to bluff or is he trying to turn them againsmt Jerry since Jerry locked him up or does he have some other plan in mind?
You’re asking the right questions.
I think he’s more concerned for the others at retirement home and not getting them killed as he still in ways likes them all.
I think he just assumed that Jerry would be clever enough to hide/run with the crystal after he told him about the history of the crystal (at least that is what villains do, hide until they have a more evil and clever plan).
BTW, who is that space smurff next to Harvey?
Great job Brock & Marc!
That’s the Azularian Commander, first seen in the SF:Origins tale “The Ballad of Rhonda and Gordon.” http://superfogeys.com/category/comic/sforigins/the-ballad-of-rhonda-gordon/
Oh I see. Thanks Brock
Marc’s artwork is always fantastic, but I think Dr Rocket in panel 3 is one of his best. Star Maiden really seems to want that crystal. So does Zurida. Hmm, but there is only one crystal. I’m sure they’ll work out some sort of deal where they share it, because villains are known for rational compromise amongst themselves once they have obtained the all-powerful MacGuffin they’re working together to get their hands on. While I was wondering where Jerry might be taking the crystal, for some reason http://superfogeys.com/2010/11/30/sf-origins-the-death-of-mr-crook-pg-3-a-man-dies-an-idea-is-born/ ominously sprang to mind.
Nice. He’s not only lying to spare Jerry, but also to destroy Jerry. If he can no longer use his Jerry persona, but only appear as the 3rd Man or Dr. Klein, he can never enjoy his marriage with Spy Gal. If Jerry goes into hiding as his alter egos, Jerry will be forced to cease to exist as himself.