Today’s strip is a tour de force and the result of a lot of hard work on Marc’s part. New characters are always a risky move because they take time away from the characters you love, but I think it’s important to establish that Valhalla is a lot bigger than we’re used to seeing. I doubt I’ll ever commit to how many residents there actually are, but it’s fun to see some others once in a while. I like thinking of the SF Universe as positively huge. There just isn’t enough room to show it all.
SuperFogeys RPG update: work has intensified behind the scenes and we should have some concrete information about what’s coming very, very soon. Stay tuned!
Awesome page guys! Spygal looks so cute in that last panel. She’s havin’ fun! ♥
This page…is spectacular. Even without CS.
Got to love the new characters.
Valhalla, like it’s namesake, may be endless…
awesome that atomic fly’s speech is upside down :>
sad for thrice evil, now. is he going to someday surprise everyone by saving the day, or snap and become four times evil?
I’m going to wait to make up my mind if there’s too many new faces too soon. But it’s good that we can finally see that there is other oldies in Valhalla.
Though it could perhaps have been better if we had seen them there and there before because now it just seems too sudden, like they hadn’t been in Valhalla before at all. Some faces have been seen before of course, but not too much really. Valhalla seems too crowed now when I’ve been used to see only the main cast there.
It kinda bugs me. Otherwise good job!
And, haha, I should have read what you had written. But I guess it’s still good to show my own concerns. But at the moment I’m just enjoying the ride.
No, no. These are valid concerns. If I could go back and do it all over again, I wish I had shown more of the other residents before now. I did a little in the beginning, but then I just didn’t show anyone else for a long, long time. That was a mistake. Hopefully I can make it up now and not make it too weird. Good comment!
Yay for Swamp Thing er Magistrate and Reptil er Raptor X!
Ah so the Luchador dude is Dr. Strange…
I am fairly certain that jefe is a male boss while a female boss would be jefa.
Thanks for that, Tad. I finally got around to changing it. Fixed!