Sometimes, it’s just fun to put the joke in the first panel. Really frees up the rest of the panels to just tell the story. I always admire Marc’s ability to fit epic scale into small spaces. This story is gonna get a lot bigger before it’s over, but there’s aliens afoot (er, in the sky) and we gotta see ‘em now and again.
Don’t forget! Myself and a whole bunch of SuperFogeys books will be at the Th3rd World Studios book (M-13 in the Small Press Area) this weekend at the San Diego Comic-Con! Don’t want to make a purchase? Stop by to say hi anyway!
I knew I saw this once in an episode of the Simpsons, but which one was it ?
Still, it seems that both Swifty and Star were made for each other since they both have issues with their fathers.
Nice observation, Marcus! No idea about the Simpsons…
Apparently the Azularians already know that when Bezuel says “Fire!” then they should shoot tons of lasers at Swifty.
They are indeed well trained. Past experience and all.
Okay — NONE of this makes sense to me, yet.
Why is Stare Maiden screwed up in the head again?
If she remembered the past, why can’t she remember the present, as in why Daddy doesn’t have arms?
Is there a novel in the offing called “The Three Faces Of Star Maiden?”
Seriously – to quote the great philosopher and raconteur, Kermit The Frog –
“What the HAY?!”
I think there’s still more to learn about Star Maiden’s predicament, but a reread of Star’s flashback in Chapter 9 should prove somewhat helpful. In short: her father tampered with her mind and now it’s a bit broken.
I will say that she’s aware, even in this state, of why her father doesn’t have arms, but Star processes things a little bit differently. She remembers everything, but her view of it isn’t exactly accurate. Hopefully subsequent events will shed a little more light.
“Grow arms, daddy!”
“I’m trying, baby!”
You don’t get great dialog like that from those second rate comics like Garfield.
So I should stay away from jokes about lasagna and Mondays? Dang it. Now what am I gonna do in Chapter 15?
Dave Reddick sends Bill and Frank over here with a case of the Mondays for you.