The question with any occupying force is always the same: when are they going to leave? ARE they going to leave? We shall see.
All credit to Marc for the stellar colors in today’s strip. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but this one really sings for me.
Do you enjoy the SuperFogeys? Don’t forget to tip the artist by donating directly to Marc by hitting the Money Man below the strip! Every little bit helps.
And you don’t want us to unpack – we smuggled in contraband, hyuck hyuck!
Dark Maiden – death, destruction, and still rocking the leotard from all angles. You go girl.
You cannot deny her style.
The secret service men have got vim.
But not vigor?
I am Vigo… Oops, thought we were making Ghostbusters II references. I’ll go wash my mouth out now.
Another reason why I love reading: I just learned a new word, “vim,” and how it differs from, “vigor.”
You show vim by running heedlessly into battle. You show vigor by keeping up sustained activity. None of them are lasting long enough to display vigor.
It’s the backgrounds in today’s strip that are so much fun. She sure is having a blast (pun intended) with those Secret Service guys.
Now is a time for the SuperFogeys to really unite again. This may be a time of retribution for Captain, if he can pull himself up by his boot straps and move forward that is. I do sense we’ll see my favorite Soviet Sam out there on the front lines. He’s really found his spark again and I know he’ll go forward to help. I can’t wait to see the confrontation begin.
Yeah, Marc rocked the background. I love it.
I’m wondering how the bonding is going with Dr. Rocket and Tom?
Will he try to protect him or throw him to the wolves?
And when we will we die hard fans ever get to see M.M. again?