And you can check it all out right here!


A big round of applause, please, for the fantastic job Krishna Sadasivam did on the art for this story.  He came in to help out when David Reddick had to bow out due to scheduling concerns, and did a marvelous job on it in the process. Krishna’s unique take on the material even led to the last panel of this page, which was not in the original script.

Now, be sure and check out both of Krishna’ great webcomics if you haven’t already–PC Weenies and (my personal favorite) the autobiographical Uncubed!  Well, well worth you time.

Thanks again, Krishna!

(Be sure and check back here later today for a link to the thumbnails to this page)


The Th3rd World brain trust got together last Thursday to outline our plans for the coming year and discuss some new approaches.  Lots of great, forward-thinking ideas were bandied about and implemented. Things are gonna look verrrrrry different around here in just a few short months.  If you’re enjoying your SuperFogeys experience now, just you wait.

I’ll say no more. Not now anyway. More later.


Yesterday, I received my first guest strip from Don “Conduit Flux” Oskowski for the upcoming Xmas break.  I’m pleased to report Don’s might be my favorite of all the guest strips I’ve ever received, due in no small part to the special guest he managed to work in.

The gauntlet has been thrown down, folks. I know many of you have reported to me that you’re interested in contributing and I sincerely hope you do. Deadline is Dec. 22 and you can find the full specs and details here (scroll down a bit)!

Thanks, Don!


I’m pretty excited for the release of Star Trek on Bluray today. I’ve never been a hardcore Trek fan, but I was raised on the original series and The Next Generation. The J.J. Abrams movie that came out earlier this year was, I thought, pretty much fantastic. It’s not a flawless movie, but it’s perfect in the sense that it makes you not care about the flaws.

I’ve been arguing with my wife, Erin, all year that she would actually really like the movie if she’d just give it a chance. “No way,” she said. “I’m not watching anything called ‘Star Trek.’”

She’s not a geek like me, you see. Not by any stretch of the imagination. This is good. It means our kids have a chance.

Now, that’s not the same as saying that Erin doesn’t know good entertainment. She enjoys LOST quite a bit and Alias is one of her all-time favorite shows. Mad Men is appointment television for us. She unabashedly enjoys the Back to the Future movies and the entire Pixar canon. But, for all that, she has an inherent aversion to sci-fi. Just how it is.

The mistake she made was in going to Comic-Con with me this past summer. There she met Tom Racine, host of Tall Tale Radio. Now, Tom is one of these guys blessed with a voice that makes you believe EVERY SINGLE THING HE SAYS.  Well, somehow, someway, Tom and Erin got to talking about Star Trek.

More than that, Tom convinced Erin to give Star Trek a try. She even promised.

So…today’s the day. I don’t know that I’ll be able to convince her to watch it starting tonight, but it’s gonna be soon.  I’m kind of excited to see what her reaction is going to be. She’s knows NOTHING about Star Trek. She’ll go into it cold. Will it play for her?  I think so. I hope so.  We’ll see.  I’ll keep you posted.


Next week we begin the two-part story “When Tom met Ms. Missile” with art by Marc Lapierre. I had planned on running the 9-part “The Six Wives of Captain Spectular” after that (I know a lot of you are looking forward to it), but I realized last week that I’d have to divide the story in half over the Xmas break and I just don’t want to do that. So…regular SuperFogeys Origins artist T.L. Collinswill be coming back to us in December for the 4 or 5-part story, “Harvey the Science Rabbit, Part One!”

Harvey is one of those characters who generates a level of interest that is disproportionate to his actual “screentime.”  I know a lot of you have questions. You’ll get some answers soon.

See You on Thursday with SuperFogeys 234! (It’s gonna be a big one)