UPDATED This page was originally posted in black and white, but now you should be seeing color. Sorry for that wait! All-in-all, however, another stellar page from T.L.
Those of you that follow my twitter feed know that this past Thursday my youngest daughter Cami had a seizure and was rushed to the ER. She’s fine now and I can’t help but think that’s in not small part thanks to the many thoughts and prayers that weren’t sent our way.
The irony of it all (is it irony? I never know anymore. Darn you, Alanis Morissette) is that this happened on the same day Cami made her triumphant return to the SuperFogeys. I even wrote a few paragraphs about how well she’s been doing lately. All that still stands, thankfully. She’s doing great.
Check back here this Thursday (with SuperFogeys 224) for the full details on just exactly what happened.
A special thanks to everyone who has ordered the SuperFogeys Vol. 1 book so far. Orders have been coming in slowly but steadily and the support you’re showing means a great deal to me. Granted, you’re gonna be getting an awesome book in return, but I want keep going and going with SF and keep telling this story. Your purchase of Vol.1 helps make that happen.
See you on Thursday with SuperFogeys 224!
Don’t forget to order your copy of SuperFogeys Vol.1 today! Available in both Artist and Regular editions! Collects Chapters 1-5, FIVE Untold Tales of the SuperFogeys, commentaries, never-before-seen art, and much, much more. Get The SuperFogeys off the screen and into your hands where it belongs!