Ain’t It Cool News is the BIGGEST movie news/rumor site on the web.  Every week they feature a comic book review column and every once in awhile they take a look at webcomics in their “dot.comics” feature.  Well, this week Ambush Bug took a look at SuperFogeys and had some really nice things to say.  Check it out! (scroll down a bit to the “dot.comics” section)

West Point Cadet Michael Johnston’s SuperFogeys Analysis #2!

SuperFogeys Superfan Michael Johnston has written another great analysis of the SuperFogeys! This time, Michael does a much broader analysis, looking at where SF and my own life and personality intersect.  This may be narcissitic of me, but I found it fascinating.  Check it out in my latest blog.

Reminder – Call for Guest Strips!

It’s crunch time.  The deadline is just 11 days away.  After the 22nd of December I won’t be accepting any more entries.  Remember that the guest strips will be running the last week of December while I’m on vacation.  Already have a couple of great entries, but I need more!  Email ‘em to heasley (at)

About That Bit of Business with Jarrett Osborne Last Week…

It only lasted a day, but SuperFogeys fan Jarrett Osborne and I thought it might be funny to strike up an internet feud between our webcomics, based on my (actually) sincere criticism of his comic Some Day Hero.  Well, it only lasted a few hours before I realized how profoundly stupid of an idea it was (and it was my idea in the first place).  You could see some of it in the comments section of his and my comics last week.  Thankfully, things didn’t get a chance to escalate to the ridiculous proportions I thought they might.  Be sure and check out Jarrett’s other webcomic, The Pursuit of Mandy, as well.

Next Week:

The lights go out and time passes. Expect it to read more exciting than I’m managing to make this tease.