I love this strip. I think this is the one where you get the best sense of the relationship between Captain Spectacular and Jerry. The first panel alone–I think if the entire strip were just that panel, I’d be happy. I don’t think anyone else laughs at that first panel (That’s not where the joke should be!), but I do. Every time.
What the rest of the strip is suggesting is a little risque, but it works for the characters. I’m very careful to have heroes be heroes and villains be villains, even (especially) when it comes to innuendos. Still, we’re closing in on the line of acceptability and I knew it. Chapter 2 would see this type of humor almost completely absent.
}{Be very careful about how you’re treating your mascara brush. Don’t simply thrust it through the bottle opening when in use. This will only add oxygen to your bottle, which can hurt your brush. This action could increase the chance of bacterial growth. You can coat the brush by moving the container slightly.
}Now that you’ve come to the end of this article, you can see that being in fashion is not out of your reach. You can also have fun at the same time. Lift your spirits and look your best by using the great suggestions you have just read and get started today.