This week is the big launch of the Kickstarter Campaign for the SuperFogeys Sourcebook and Adventure Game. Follow this link to check out the campaign, and here’s my blog post on the whole thing with details on how this whole thing got started and what it means for SuperFogeys fans. This is big and it’s [...]
Posts Tagged ‘adventure game’
Big update to the SuperFogeys Sourcebook and Adventure Game Kickstarter over the weekend–now I can show you the first miniatures. Check it out, Captain Spectacular and Dr. Rocket: How great are those sculpts! Big kudos to sculptor Gene Van Horne for capturing ALL the detail of what up until now was just drawings on a [...]
Hey all, Well, it’s been a week since my last “Call to Arms” and in that time the needle on the SuperFogeys Sourcebook & Adventure Game Kickstarter has been moved in a big way! As of this writing, we’re 123% funded with $3,678! That’s incredible. Many of you really stepped up over the last week [...]
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The SuperFogeys Kickstarter – One Day Left!
by Brock Heasley on November 27th, 2012Hey all, it’s go time. Just over 24 hours to go on the Kickstarter as I type this and we are sooooo close to the Spy Gal stretch goal. Only $226 to go as of this writing! C’mon, you want a sculpted Spy Gal, don’t you? I know I do. As I’ve mentioned before, The [...]
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SuperFogeys Kickstarter Update: Spy Gal Sculpt!
by Brock Heasley on March 1st, 2013Hey all, I know you’ve been patiently waiting for your Sourcebook & Adventure Game and we’re working real hard behind the scenes to get it out to you as quickly as possible, but I thought you’d like to see a little something Paul Lidberg over at Team Frog Studios posted this past week–The Spy Gal [...]