Alas, poor Avalon Thrice Evil, we knew ye well. And we didn’t terribly like you.
Abaddon Thrice Evil is one of those characters who has been lurking at the edges of the story for a long, long time. It’s so much…fun? to see him finally unleashed. There’s a reason Jerry kept him under wraps for so long. Dude is a bit merciless.
See you on Tuesday with 895 – Can’t Stop Won’t Stop!
Loved this one, although I feel that a begging Thrice doesn’t go with the character. He was ruthless and megalomaniac, so a more incredul or languishing reaction would feel more appropriate from him in my opinion. Still, great delivery by abbadon thrice.
Thinking of the repercussions… Does the staff survives the Guthrie? Does it only affects living things? And, if the trident survives, more sticks = more power for thrice?
I for one love to see a high-and-mighty evil fellow beg and whimper, so this is all right by me.
A lot of Thrice Evil’s power does seem to be focused in his stick. (Talk about your patriarchal villain.) I for one would be surprised if alt stick was still usable, because the Guthrie affected it adversely two strips ago, and Thrice Evil’s blast seems quite devastating in and of itself. (Then again, it could very well be unable to damage the trident since it comes out of said trident.)
Your thinking pretty much lines with mine. While the Guthrie is more about affecting DNA, the blast that sent Thrice flying is of a slightly different order and clearly has a concussive effect. Fair to argue it’s even more impactful because Avalon Thrice’s trident is from Avalon.
As for Avalon Thrice doing some begging. In the end…isn’t all evil kind of pathetic?
Would a “trident” with six prongs be a hexadent?
Your logic is sound.
I can’t quite decide if Thrice Evil’s comment about “main competition” refers to the alt heroes… or to himself. Seeing as how he got his powers back from alt Thrice Evil himself… well, I guess you can’t be very surprised that a villain shows no gratefulness, now can you? I guess if he helped someone else — even himself from another universe — he would have to rename himself “Thrice Evil, but not quite always”.
One could make a point that elementary tactics demand that they join forces against the heroes (which was, again, the very reason Thrice Evil got repowered), but I guess that would go against Thrice Evil’s hubris and knowledge that he’s in the universe where he can win (unlike alt Thrice). So, yeah, I guess that settles it: either Thrice Evil’s “main competition” is the other one.
You did all the mental gymnastics for me on that one! Love the thought process.