Some of you have been commenting on Swifty’s inability to change. I confess I actually take quite a bit of pride in the fact that, essentially, Swifty doesn’t change. No matter what you throw at him. Anyone know an older person like that? I sure do.
Well, we seem to have hit a real plateau with our Patreon pledges. To the 25 of you who have pledged so far… thank you! After so many years of doing this, Marc and I both needed a real shot in the arm and you’re giving it to us. You’re excellent people.
To those of you who still haven’t take the plunge, we’d love to have you on board. We’re about to start getting our Milestone Goal promises fulfilled and there’s still time for you to join the Live Draw and the Google Hangout we’ll be holding soon. And, of course, if we can reach just $75/strip I will fully reveal everything that happened during the Fogeys missing year. There’s some stuff in there that will change the way you’re reading the current chapters, I guarantee it.
If you’d like to learn more about our Patreon campaign and/or make a pledge (you can go as little as 50 cents a strip and set a monthly maximum–you can literally only toss us 50 cents a month if you’d like and I assure you we’d be grateful), click on over to here (or the button below).
See you on Monday with 658 – The Shifting Chamber
What I mean is that Swifty should have SOME Emotions within him that would have some sympathy for others. I mean what made him truly be a hero, besides family obligations, if he isn’t caring for others around him and the situation they lead their lives in ?
I mean one could say that it partly due to time bubbles that Swifty’s life is a bit of a mess.
Swifty cares about a lot of people: Cami. star Maiden, Rhonda, Michelle, Tom.
You can also be disgusted with most people while still wanting to do the right thing. Also, I think his attitude is one way to deal with the emotional stress of hero hood. Captain shut down and checked out emotionally even turning to alcohol and abandoning his family at one point, Swifty is stand offish and smart-mouthed. I can see why it’s more likely Vap would have a redemption arc while Swifty doesn’t, Swifty’s a pain, but hasn’t really hit rock bottom like Cap or Tangerine either.
Of course you as a reader connects with whomever you do, I like Swifty more than Cap personally. Though I can understand why people wouldn’t like Swifty.
Swifty shows his emotions in other ways. The strips with him and Cami are especially touching.