Okay, I’m not entirely sure what to make of this (is it legal? is it not?), but a commenter linked me to it and I had to share because it’s, basically, very cool.

Check out… SuperFogeys in RUSSIAN!

Near as I can tell, this is an ongoing project with new posts every day. The amount of work and attention to detail going in this is impressive. I can’t read Russian, so I have no idea how accurate and the well done the translations are, but the work being done to make the fonts and new word balloon shapes fit is incredible. You’d swear they were manipulating my source files, but all they have access to are the original jpegs. It’s solid work. Check out this Origins to see what I mean:

I mean, wow. I honestly don’t know how they’re doing it with such accuracy. I’ve looked at every page and I can’t spot any obvious flaws or patching.

The cool thing is that it looks like  SF is getting a bit of a following over in Russia. Thanks to my browser translator, I can actually read their comments and it’s fun to see them going on the same journey we all went through years ago. They seem okay with Soviet Sam and recognize what he represents. There’s a great discussion under SF 200 about whether or not the artist changed or I finally learned to draw! I can’t wait for them to hit the end of Chapter 9.

Does anybody out there know anything about this? What IS the legality of this sort of thing? I’m not inclined to try to shut it down or anything, but I am curious.