Everyone knows that all characters should be three dimensional. You’re more likely to believe in a fictional character when you can recognize the humanity–however manufactured–within them. One way of doing this, I’ve found, is to have characters treat some people one way and others a different way. There’s a side of Swifty that doesn’t really come out except when he’s around Star Maiden. When he’s with her, we get that he’s more than just a crotchety old man. He has a heart and will reveal it given the proper opportunity.
That’s valuable to a storyteller because then, even when I show you Swifty being incredibly mean, you’re still thinking of this other side of him and you might wonder what’s really behind what he’s saying. It’s not a trick so much as the way human beings operate. We rarely are all things to any one person. We are the parts of ourselves we need to be, depending on the situation and who is present. But a storyteller? He has the privilege of peeking in on all the sides–a privilege he extends to the reader.
Did you know the SuperFogeys universe has crossed over? Check out the multi-planed webcomic series CROSSOVERKILL to see heroes from various webcomic universes as they visit Valhalla!
I think this is my first time posting here, as I’m a long time reader of this series.
It’s nice to see Swifty’s nice side come up as it shows that he really does care about Star Madien…maybe he secretly loves her or something…right ?
Hey, Marcus! Good to know you.
And yes, you’re exactly right!
Pity you’re not doing the same with Star Maiden. I know it sounds harsh, but you’ve not done much at all with her character. Her origin story was quite good, but she’s really not had much development in the current timeline.
Yeah. Not really liking her much. Haven’t since I read the origin. Can’t see any hero here.
I think what we’re seeing is really Swifty’s dumb side as much as his softer side. Read the superhero’s manual. FIRST you subdue, THEN you talk.
Star has always been hampered in her development by the fact that she hasn’t been herself for even two seconds in the current timeline. She’s been wacky and she’s been dark. So… this criticism is not entirely invalid.
Bubbles of time in 5… 4… 3…
(that is, if having a count down makes sense when dealing with time travel)
I really don’t think it does. Tell you what, I’ll go to the future and find out. Get back to you then.
I know i keep waiting for the bubbles origin. this could be it!
That bathrobe can’t stand anymore punishment.
I think if I were Swifty there would suddenly be a yellow hue to those pink shorts.
Then let us all be grateful that YOU are not Swifty, Todd.
Ha! At first I missed the comma and read it as Swifty Todd. Sweeny Todd’s brother can kill people even faster.
Because I’m such a fan of SuperFogeys and I know the characters pretty well, I’m going to help you all out by giving you the speech bubbles for frames 2 and 3 for this strip.
2) STAR: Ever seen this before??
3) SWIFTY: What? That’s not fair!!