Swifty did not start out as a character I particularly liked. I know that’s a strange thing to say. Generally speaking, as a creator, you’re supposed to like all your characters. But Swifty was invented to express a cranky side of being old that I don’t much admire. Slowly, over time, as my understanding of his character and his trauma increased, I started to like him more.
I don’t mean that he evolved. Swifty is the one character of the main cast who is arguably exactly the same as when the series started. He does not really grow or change, it’s just our understanding of him that grows and changes. Compare that to someone like Captain Spectacular, who has evolved a TON. Or Jerry, who is wildly different from how we first met him.
Hey, where is Jerry, anyway?
See you on Thursday with 890 – Loved In Her Own Way!
I have to admit that Swifty’s constant irritability, as well as his apparent need to nag at Jerry even (mostly?) when the latter did something right, had grated on me. After reading origin stories, I understood his attitude as bitterness over his great past self (how he always was the funny one).
Now, well, all right, I concede you’ve done it. He’s moved me. Not just because I agree that the renewed Star Maiden shouldn’t die.
(Also, I’m not sure how to parse his hand position in the last panel. It almost looks like he has a left hand on his right arm, but zooming in on the picture shows that it’s his little finger twisting, presumably with pain.)
What’s happening with Swifty’s hand is important. Keep an eye on him.
I’m glad you’ve come around on Swifty! A long road to this point, but I’m sure he’ll anger you in the future at some point, never fear.
Is he … growing a 4th finger?
That would be a trip. But…no.