Hey SuperFans! We’ve been hard at work on the next chapter and I’m pleased to report Marc has done some level of work on EVERY SINGLE episode of Chapter 23 (minus one) and things are looking really good for a late July launch. The current plan is to give you all of Chapter 23, then take a two week break, then hit with the MASSIVE Chapter 24 that will wrap up a ton of storylines. A whole lot of SuperFogeys is in your near future.

In the “Other Exciting News” department, I’ve been hard at work for years on making my first short film, THE SHIFT, into a full-length feature film and now that dream is about to become a reality in partnership with VidAngel Studios and Stellar Lense Productions. The best part is, through the VAS Portal, anyone can invest in the film.

Right now, we’re in the “pre-launch” phase in which we’re trying to establish investment momentum before VidAngel launches its nationwide marketing campaign. I realize this may not be everyone’s cup of oatmeal, but if you’re at all interested…or, if you’d like to see the film for free…you can check out all the detail over at the investment portal site: https://studios.vidangel.com/theshift 

Anyway, thanks for indulging the short plug. More soon!