Here’s a pairing that never occurred to me until I did it: Gina Galloway and Percy–the two children (of Portalmaker [aka Alt. Jerry] and Captain Spectacular, respectively) who don’t have counterparts on either Earth. Makes me wish I’d thought of doing it sooner!
Jerry, once again, is lurking about. Like I said, this chapter is a lot about him and his perspective. He hasn’t said a word yet, but the thoughts are there. I’m hoping that, at this point in the story, you’re all familiar enough with Jerry to imagine what his thoughts might be about the things he’s seeing and hearing in this chapter. This is all building to a point. Longtime readers will see it coming. Newbies… this is for you, too. Don’t worry. Good stuff coming.
See you on Monday with 742 – Catching Up on WWE!
“My father was not the scumbag your Jerry is.”
Ouch! Also Gina dear, thanks for helping with that “Nature vs Nurture” experiment.
We never met Gina’s mom, did we?
Nope! There has been no indication whatsoever who Gina’s mom could possibly be.
The return of The third man? You do enjoy making Jerry suffer. Probably he is going to walk into Sam and Spygal and That Will make him snap
I so want the Third Man to come back. Dr. Klein, too! But it would have to be in a way that makes sense. After all, everyone already knows…
Two alternate children in a hospital room…Now that’s an interesting starting point.
It’s a starting point I’d love to spin off into a larger conversation, but this chapter is moving a little too fast for that. Still, the possibilities are intriguing!
Loooonely… I am so loooonely… I have noboooody… oooof my oooooownnnnn!
Jerry’s official balladeer right here.
Wow I finally managed to read your 11 years of work. Crazy how this went from quirky superhero retirement stories to ultimate multidimensional intergalactic heroes vs evil showdown battle for earth. Super impressive. Only thing left to do is to tell you how awesome your comic is and add it to my rss feed.
Wow, you’ve been hard at work doing all that reading! So glad you’ve enjoyed it, even with it going far, far astray from where it started. I think there’s two kinds of SF readers, those who get hooked on the light comedy and then are disappointed when the story gets more serious, and those who ride out the changes and are delighted by them. Happy to count you among the latter category!
(There’s actually a third category, too: those who read the beginning with my severely lacking art and abandon ship out of the gate. Thank you for having faith and plugging ahead anyway!)
Kind of ironic Gina.