Hey everybody, been a while, no? Recently, there have been pleadings. What’s going on? When are you guys coming back? Sweet Satan’s Soulpatch, give us SOMETHING!

We hear you, we hear you. The truth is Marc and I have been working hard. Chapter 20 is all mapped out and partially scripted and drawn.

The other truth is that we’ve been taking it a bit easy and not working at quite our usual pace. I think this was much needed. After years of working like crazy to turn out two strips a week, we just needed to recharge.

But we’re done with that now and I’m pleased to announce that, barring disaster, SuperFogeys will be returning June, 2015 on a 5-day-a-week schedule for 8 solid weeks in the Summer! We’ve never done something like this before and we hope you’ll enjoy reading the next, (hopefully) great chapter in this saga at an accelerated pace.

That’s all I’ve got to report at the moment. I hope to be more communicative in the next few months as we get closer to June. For now, he’s a look at some of the fine work Marc has been doing behind the scenes:

The beginning of Chapter 20 features quite a bit of Thrice Evil's mom, Mommy, so to get a better handle on her Marc just straight up sculpted her!

Starting with Chapter 20, Marc is drawing SF at a bigger size. Check out the increased level of detail!