SuperFogeys Price Drop – Now 50% Cheaper on Comixology!
on August 5th, 2014Posted In: Uncategorized
Just a quick note here to let everyone know that Issue 2 of SuperFogeys (Containing Chapter 3 “The Techno Shuffle” and Chapter 4 “Dictator Tot’s Revenge”) is now 99 cents on Comixology! That’s down from $1.99, a savings of 50%! If you’re like me, 99 cents is kind of the no-brainer price. I, personally, will buy just about anything for 99 cents. (Not that an SF book is just “anything”–it’s the very coolest thing.) Plus, you get the Guided View reading experience, which you can’t get here on the site (video showing that off coming soon).
By the way, the first issue (containing Chapter 1 “Insane Romance From Hell” and Chapter 2 “Bingo Night”) is still free and available right now. More issues coming very, very soon.
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