Here it is! The big 450th strip of The SuperFogeys… which, really, isn’t very big at all. These days, I try to save the anniversary mojo for the ones with the 00s. Even so, today’s strip is an important one. It’s the first time Cap and Jerry have really had a chance to talk since Cap’s fiancee dumped him and then married his sidekick 22 strips later. There’s a few different ways to play a long overdue conversation. What do you make of how it turned out?
SuperFogeys RPG update… it’s getting closer… and it’s going to be a lot bigger than you think.
Having been in caps shoes in real life my best friend took my g/f from under my nose i can say his reaction is pretty dead on…although after my response i punched him in the face……Will cap do the same?!?!?! lol
Seriously? Man, I’m sorry. I’ve lost girls to other guys before… but never to a guy I knew personally.
I’m trying to figure out the SB on the elevator. Santa Barbara?
B = Basement, SB = Sub basement.
Cap, had the right idea, as now is not the time to talk about upcoming weddings.
Still, it maybe discussed sooner or later.
Let’s hope Tangerine is willing to speak and brend his new found peace sense to temporary be reverted back to his old self.
As you’ll see, Tangerine is ready to talk… but is he willing to ACT? That’s the question.
First rule – never make it wierd.
Cap’s actually acting mature – nice to see him sober. And being that way, they slip into their old roles naturally.
And dooooooon’t you forget it.
Nice observation.
The only thing worse than having to talk to people in an elevator is that guy who wants to chat while you’re taking a leak at the urinal bank (sorry ladies).
I’m still waiting for the Rocky sequence where Cap gets buff again.
I wanna see that, too! And since I want to see it… hmm.. maybe I could make that happen.
At this point I think Cap’s mind set is on the task at hand. This is one of those moments where that elevator ride feels really long. His expression in panel 2 really speaks volumes to the fact that there’s really more to say about this, but not right now. Don’t push too much on it Jerry or you will hear about it.
It’s good to see cap stepping back into that role of hero…i’ve said it multiple times SOMEONE animate this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Drew, people should listen to you.
Todd, I was very particular about Cap’s expression in panel 2. Thanks for noticing.