If you don’t know the name Steve Ogden, then you’re missing out on one of the most beautiful webcomics out there,Moon Town. Steve is a class act who can do it all–write, letter, draw, ink, and color. In fact, this is only the second Origins tale that I myself did not letter. Steve’s the real deal.
I should also note that Steve was very much involved in breaking the story of the Thrice Evil’s origin. We each had different things we wanted to see in the origin and worked overtime to make sure they were all in there. As such, this one has been in the works for a looooong time, but I guarantee it will be well worth it. Steve is doing some AMAZING work, and I can’t wait for you to see it all.
SuperFogeys Vol.1 now on sale at a REDUCED price for the holidays–click here!
Only 2 more weeks to submit your entry for this years Guest Strippin’ Xmas. I’m taking a couple of weeks off and giving the SuperFogeys over to you guys. Send your entries to me at bwhheasley (at) gmail (dot) com. Full details and specs here!
See you on Thursday with SuperFogeys 288!