Well, this is SuperFogeys Origins. In content if not format. For the vast majority of you, this is the first time you’re seeing Operation: Valhalla. Originally, this story was written for and appeared in the now-out-of-print first SuperFogeys collection and this is the first time it has ever appeared in its complete form online! That’s super cool.
I like to think of this story as the direct prequel to the SuperFogeys saga. It’s a small, six episode tale that shows just how exactly Spy Gal was duped into coming to Valhalla and who was behind it. Ideally, you’d read this story and then go straight into Chapter 1, Insane Romance From Hell.
If I remember correctly, I wrote this during the creation of Chapter 2, Bingo Night. That might account for the slightly different feel these strips are likely to have. The penciller is Mike Hartigan, creator of the now-defunct webcomic Eskimo Dave. The art was finished off by myself on inks and MAD Conk on colors, who has colored a number of SF stories for me, including The Six Wives of Captain Spectacular.
Those of you that already own this story in print will notice some subtle color and art changes that I’ve made recently. It’s all purely cosmetic. All to bring it in line a little more with what we know of the SuperFogeys from online.
You can find the complete story along with many other stories that are exclusive to print in still-in-print SuperFogeys Vol. 1which also collects Chapters 1-5. Available for purchase at an excellent price right now!
My hope is that we can all enjoy this story together. You all had some great theories and questions about he BIG Reveal last week. If you haven’t already, I’d encourage you to listen to the interview I did with Tom Racine at Tall Tale Radio. A lot of your questions will be answered there.
If not, I’m back in the saddle. I’ll answer what I can!
Maybe the biggest compliment a creator can have in the 21st Century is when his fans feel inspired enough to make an entry about your work on Wikipedia. At least, for me, that’s pretty darn cool! Michael Johnston, a SuperFan from way back has done just that–but he needs your help.
If you feel so inclined, drop on by the SuperFogeys Wikipedia Page and chime in!
We’re sooooo close to having this thing wrapped up. Don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before, but there’s going to be a special Fan Art section on the new site. I’m hoping to post a new piece every week. I have a large backlog of fan art, but new still will always take top priority. If think you’ve got it in you, I’d love to see it and share it. Send your SF fan art to me at bwhheasley (at) gmail (dot) com.
See you tomorrow with Operation: Valhalla #2!